Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)
It’s a fact: The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) help keep thousands of families from falling into poverty every year. Get the credits you deserve!
Filing taxes can be a confusing and expensive process to navigate, making it harder for struggling families to receive these crucial tax credits. With the help of CFC’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, trained volunteers work to prepare and electronically file income tax returns for eligible, low-income families for free, enabling more families to take advantage of EITC and CTC. Volunteers will also help provide financial literacy training and resources to participating families.
We are always looking for Tax Preparation volunteers, so please reach out if you are interested in helping the program!
Program Details:
Eligibility & Criteria: This program is geared toward households with income of less than $64,000. We do not complete tax returns for rental, corporation, or business incomes.
Appointment Process: All returns are prepared after scheduling an appointment. Our tax preparers are IRS Certified volunteers who generously offer to provide their tax expertise to area residents. We offer two types of tax appointments: On Monday – Friday, taxpayers meet with CFC staff to complete an intake interview and drop off copies of required tax documents. The return is then prepared remotely by one of our volunteers and will not be completed while the taxpayer waits. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to allow the taxpayer to review, sign, and pick up the completed tax return. At Saturday appointments, our tax preparers are available on-site; taxpayers meet with a tax preparer and have their tax return completed while they wait.
Seasonal Operation: The program operates from February through mid-April.
Please review the following list of documents carefully. Documents marked with a * are required for all returns. You must provide the documents needed for your specific situation so that we can prepare your return quickly and accurately. We cannot accept returns for processing before all documents needed for your return are provided.
Required Forms of Identification
- Copy of Photo ID for Taxpayer (and spouse) *
- Copy of Social Security Cards, Social Security Statement, or ITIN for everyone on the return. *
- Identity protection PIN if victim of identity theft.
- Form 8332 if claiming dependent who is not living with you
Income Documents
- Wage Information (W2)
- Unemployment Form (1099 G)
- Social Security Statement (1099)
- Pension/Retirement Statements (1099R)
- Interest Income/Dividend Statements (1099-INT, 1099 Div, 1099 B)
- Alimony Information
- Self-Employment Income & Expenses — summarized by category
- Gambling winnings / Cancellation of Debt
Health Insurance
- Form 1099 HC (Massachusetts form issued by insurance carrier)
- Form 1095A, 1095 B, and/or 1095 C (Federal healthcare forms issued by MassHealth or insurance carrier)
Senior Circuit Breaker
- If Renting: Rent Amount / Landlord Name & Address
- if Homeowner: Property Taxes Paid / Water & Sewer Paid
Direct Deposit Information
- Copy of voided check or routing/account number
- Rent amount per month
- Student Loan Interest (1098E)
- College Expenses (1098T)
- Child Care Expenses (Include providers Federal Tax ID, name & address)
- Cash Charitable Deductions made by cash, check, credit card
- Last years tax return
Fall River Office
Program Director: Susan Dubois
E-mail: vita@cfcinc.org
Address: 264 Griffin Street Fall River, MA 02724
Telephone: (508) 679-0041 ext. 739
Office Hours:
By Appointment Only